
Chia-Yu,Li ☻
books, paper, printing lover





Chia-Yu,Li ☻

books, paper, printing lover


Maybe Me


作品延續碩二時製作的藝術家的書 《我只是個拙劣的愛人》,持續探問個人內在意識與他人情感連結。以創作作為個人意識覺察的具體表現,製作書籍的過程如同自我對話與治癒的儀式。書籍的物件本體為作者個體的隱喻;以書本比喻為作者身體,封面為面對外界的面貌,內頁則為主體豐富的意識層次。翻開頁面,如同開始接觸、交流,隨著頁面的尺寸和內文的轉變,逐漸由外在進入到個體的內在。在紙張的挑選上,不同厚度與材質的紙張帶來相異的觸覺感受,象徵個人豐富、纖細的情感。佈展上以木製畫框自平面立起,盛接展台反射的光影,映照出一幅風景。以光隱喻生命中的轉折生機,並且藉由自然元素給予觀者具體、強烈的感官體驗,激發其無盡的想像。


In the the arrangement of context, the text represent the author with three parts of conversations, starting from an introduction with strangers, a talk with more details with more intimate friends to a self-revelation or monologue with self. Every design of the books contain its thinking and symbols. In the further research, I will commence on the studies of the metaphors and symbols in my works as well as the intertextuality and translation of the concepts and art dictions/language, which attempts to clarify the route of my design thinking, searches for other possibilities and construct my own context of design.


Default-2019 Group Exhibition by NCTU Institute of Applied Arts
交通大學藝文空間, 新竹|2019